Set up employment standards and import talents
For talents with great moral, professional skills and work ethic, the company would be flexible and employ them.
Adopt the Competition System, to select the right employee
To guarantee that each employ is suitable for the job, the job suits the employ, the employ would explore his/her skills during work, and the skills are used at the right place. Meanwhile, to guarantee equality during competition, promote the better, eliminate the worse, and use the right person.
Build the allocation System, to well manage the employees
To adopt the integration of post and performance, and customize a salary system that suits the corporate profitability. Be clear with everyone's responsibility and the performance reward system, and manage the employees.
Formulate the development system for career growth, to train employees and promote their royalty
Strengthen the reward system, employee training, periodical examination, talent exploration, equal treatment, talent cultivation, and ensure the talents' potentials are fully explored, so that there would be talents in every field and a professional team would be formed.